Ah, my first release, and what a way to start. Released on Eagle Burger Freedom day (completely unintentionally too), to a surprisingly welcoming audience, featuring 5 songs (and some extra bonuses) all made in a few weeks.
Inspired mainly by Lemon Demon, it was my first ever attempt to make music using using an actual keyboard. Previous attempts of mine used a typing keyboard, a free trial of FL Studio, and no musical skills, Bee Haven was a left turn from that, as for my 16th birthday I got my first MIDI keyboard and a copy of Ableton Lite. Some of my first steps were to find VSTs and instruments used by my peers and learn how to use them. The first song I wrote happened to be the first song, Check In. It was the start of something big.

A CD of Bee Haven. Still available, though I hope to phase the Kunaki CDs out, and do a pressed digipak run in the future.
Bus Stop had a music video produced by yours truly. It was planned, shot, edited, and released within like 12 hours, and I really wish I had that kind of stamina and motivation today. Of course, the video was filmed with the amazing help of Finn McGwyre, whom I couldn’t have made that video without.
In my opinion, Bees and Bus Stop are the obvious standout tracks and my overall personal favourites, and had my vocals been any better at the time, I’d probably consider them some of my favourite songs I’ve ever done.
With its primitive production, medicore vocals, and lackluster mixing, Bee Haven is an interesting EP to listen to, but very important to the Icosahedron Discography.